Wrist & Hand Pain


Vital to just about every aspect of day to day living our hands and wrists are arguably one of our more important body parts.


Hand therapy is the term used for the non-surgical management or post-surgical rehabilitation of hand or wrist disorders and injuries. All physiotherapists are able to treat disorders of the wrist and hand however we also have specialist hand physiotherapists who are able to manage more complex cases.


Using various methods including splinting, taping, exercise, wound care and joint mobilisations our specialist hand therapy physiotherapists treat all disorders affecting hand and wrist function.


Many disorders and injuries of the hand are treated without surgery but treatment by a hand therapist is always essential for optimal recovery after hand surgery.


Patients will be referred to Bevan Wilson following tendon and peripheral nerve repairs, fractures or burns, joint replacements or skin grafts and we also treat arthritis sufferers and those presenting with pain and nerve compression syndromes.