Bevan Wilson Newsletter Spring 2019



Physio Health Tips

External Activities

Getting Back into Outdoor Pursuits

Team and Services Introduction



As we welcome the return of the Surrey sunshine, I would like to offer you all a warm welcome to our latest Newsletter.

As with our bodies, Bevan Wilson is in a constant flow of change, and renewal. We are always seeking to enhance the services we have been providing for over 20 years, making sure we provide an evidence based, and current practice in all areas of physiotherapy.

Our Team has some new faces, and we say a fond farewell to some long serving members. See below for more in-depth details.

Our intention this year, is to see some of you at local events, across the year. We have already offered massage to some tired, but happy runners, at Kelly’s Clandon Park Run, last month. We want to be more visible in our community, rather than ensconced in our clinics, and bring physiotherapy to people, who may not be aware of its holistic benefits.















Sheltering from the chill!

We continue to expand our bracing service, which is not just for the ski season. We are both an Ossur and DJO assessment and fitting service, primarily at our Boxgrove, Charterhouse, and Milford clinics. We have fitted braces for kite surfers, rugby and tennis players, but they are suitable for a wider variety of support. If you are interested in finding out more, do call the reception team for more details of how we can help.

One of Bevan Wilson’s patient’s DJO Custom Defiance Knee Brace in action!











Thank you all for reading, and we welcome any comments or suggestions you may have. Please email  or call us on 01483 424505, and we will respond to your feedback.


Physio Health Tips

Many of us work at computers for far too long, using repetitive actions. The consequences can be getting carpal tunnel syndrome. Our physiotherapist can help. However, here is some information, and exercises you can do yourself, to relieve some of the pain and numbness.

Posture tips from Marie Byrne.

The text neck epidemic!

Text neck describes a millennial repetitive stress injury with pain in the neck resulting from excessive texting and staring at hand held devices over a period of time. Below outlines the increase in weight at each stage of flexion on the cervical spine. This increases the stress at the vertebral level and over time can cause excessive wear on the spine and lead to muscle imbalances.


Recent figures show 79% of teenagers in the UK (12-15 years of age) own and use smartphones, which is ever growing. Check out the link below for quick guide to good posture tips.

Parents- lead by example! Your children’s behaviours are a direct reflection of you so check in on your posture and then keep your eye out for your child’s posture when sitting and standing. Encourage regular breaks from phones and changes in posture. Remember children aged 5-17 are recommended a minimum of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day. It is not yet known how the phenomenon will affect the posture development in generations to come, however, with neck pain complaints sky rocketing among children, the future is looking stooped. Take the time to look up and prevent a whole lot of pain in the neck!

Events Bevan Wilson

Bevan Wilson are continuing to work in conjunction with Challengers via Kelly Storage Charity Events, and Walkfest 2019.

The events we will be attending with be posted on our Facebook page, and we will keep everyone up to date nearer the time. The first outdoor fun day was Kelly’s Cycle Challenge Sunday, 19 May 2019. You can still register online if you were unable to get to the event on the day, as there is a virtual cycle ride that might suit you.

Other fun days to come. See you there!

Getting Back into Outdoor Pursuits

As some of us come out of our Winter hibernation, we may think that we can pick up where we left off with gardening, running, other sports that we stopped in the cold, dark days back in November. We may do some damage to backs, shoulders, knees, and other parts of our bodies, if we don’t warm up, and take it slowly to start with.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) have lots of useful health tips for all comers. Getting back to exercising after the Winter can be a challenge for some. Easy does it is best.

The CPS Easy Exercise Guide encourages people to ‘Move for Health’, and explains how you can build easy, effective exercise into a daily routine.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet can have enormous health benefits now and in the future. Being more physically active can be easy and inexpensive.

Physiotherapists recommend 30 minutes of exercise at a moderate intensity, five times a week. This exercise can range from vacuuming and bowling, to walking, digging in the garden and jogging.

There are lots of ways you can fit more physical activity into your day:

Walking: take a brisk walk for as long as you can – 30 minutes is a good target to work towards.

Dancing: turn up your favourite tunes and dance around your home!

At work: take the stairs instead of the lift and do some desk-based stretches and exercises

Housework: turn chores into a workout by speeding them up or being more energetic

Setting yourself some goals, making sure you’ve got the right kit and keeping a positive attitude are all key to maintaining your exercise routine.

By taking regular exercise, you will gain enormous benefits for your overall health, now and in the future.


Team and Services Introduction

The only constant in life, is change. The clinical Team at Bevan Wilson has changed over the last months.  Some have moved away, changed their practice preferences, or move to work in a different capacity. We are, however, extremely pleased to introduce Marie Byrne.

Marie says of herself:


I’m Marie and I am Irish. I trained in Belfast in physiotherapy before completing a Master’s in biomedical engineering at the University of Surrey. I played gaelic football and handball until my early twenties before I moved to cycling and Pilates. I have a keen interest in the human body and anatomy with particular areas of interest in

  • neck pain
  • dizziness
  • shoulder pain
  • Pilates rehabilitation
  • Pregnancy
  • working with teenagers
  • working with the elderly and falls prevention

I am a keen believer in prevention of injury and taking the whole body into consideration when assessing any injury to ensure the root cause of symptoms is found.

Marie has already received glowing reports form patients, new, and existing. We hope you meet her soon.

We have said ‘Goodbye’, to Karen Corning, who has been a part of the Bevan Wilson team for a long time. She is taking some time for herself and doing some lighter NHS work. We wish her all the very best for her future.

Lucy Blick has also moved on. Lucy loves horses, and the great outdoors, and is focusing on her family, and equine element of her life.  Her exuberance and energy will be missed.

Marie Garcia has joined us as a Neuro Physiotherapist. She tells us:

I have over 14 years’ experience as a Physiotherapist, specialising in neurology for the past 11 years. I worked at King’ College Hospital where I gained experience working in neurosurgery, neuromedicine, stroke, neuro-rehabilitation, neuro outpatients, spasticity services, wheelchair services and community rehabilitation.

I have had many years of experience working with patients with long term neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, spinal cord injuries and TBI within both the NHS and private services.

Within my spare time I enjoy running, having previously ran the London Marathon twice, now just concentrating on half marathons.


Maria is available for patients seeking home visits, and those able to travel to our Boxgrove clinic. She has a lovely, gentle demeanour, and has amazing skills within her specialism.

We have a visiting podiatrist, Katherine Thompson, who comes too our Boxgrove clinic twice a week. She is an expert in her field, and we work in conjunction with her to improve patient’s skeletal health.


We are on the verge of launching physio led Pilates at Boxgrove. We will be offering one to one, and small group Pilates. Times, and days to be firmed up shortly. The benefits of Pilates are strengthening of the bodies’ core. Many injuries seen in our physiotherapy clinics are caused by problems with posture, balance, core strength, flexibility or movements control. Pilates helps many to improve in these areas, particularly when guided by a professional.


More information to follow!


We have clinics in Wonersh, Milford, Charterhouse, and Boxgrove, Guildford presently, and have services available from Monday through to Saturday mornings. We have evening clinics twice a week at both Boxgrove and Charterhouse. We are always looking ahead to improve our services, and range of professions providing health interventions beneficial to all ages, sporting, and leisure activities.

Do get in touch if you have any questions or need to know further details of our available services.




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