29th October 2020 is World Stroke Day. Did you know that: Every year more than 100,000 people in the UK have a stroke – that’s one person every five minutes. By 2035 the rate of first-time strokes will have increased by 59% and the number of stroke survivors will rise by 123% One in four stroke survivors will […]
Telerehabilitation, or what we like to call ‘Video Consultations’ or ‘Remote Consultations’ have been growing in popularity over the past few years and have seen their use grow rapidly during the 2020 Global Coronavirus Crisis. Remote healthcare does have its challenges, for example the clinician can’t palpate, physically examine or physically treat patients, however […]
Introduction Physio Health Tips External Activities Getting Back into Outdoor Pursuits Team and Services Introduction Introduction As we welcome the return of the Surrey sunshine, I would like to offer you all a warm welcome to our latest Newsletter. As with our bodies, Bevan Wilson is in a constant flow of change, and […]
NEUROLOGICAL PHYSIOTHERAPY Service available at Bevan Wilson Boxgrove Clinic and for Home Visits. Our physiotherapists have many years’ experience working in NHS and private hospitals as well as in the community and work closely with Consultants, primary healthcare providers, patients and their families to ensure complete continuity of treatment. Neurological physiotherapy involves the treatment of […]