)Welcome to the Information Section
This section should hopefully answer any questions you have, particularly with regard to prices, payments, opening times and our terms and conditions.
We will add pages to this section as required and so if you don’t find what you are looking for please contact our administrative team on 01483 424505 or info@bevanwilson.co.uk
Terms & Conditions – Updated FEBRUARY 2022
1. Agreement:
This agreement is between the patient / client (or their parent or attorney) referred to as ‘you’, and ‘your’ and Bevan Wilson Ltd trading as Bevan Wilson Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics referred to as ‘Bevan Wilson Ltd’, ‘we’ or ‘us’.
Please read these terms carefully. They provide the basis on which you will be provided goods and services by Bevan Wilson Ltd, it’s staff, contractors and service providers.
Bevan Wilson may update these terms from time to time and you will be notified of any changes that come into effect via one or all of the following methods:
- In person when visiting one of our Clinics.
- In person on the telephone when calling to make a booking.
- Via notifications on our website.
- Via notices within our Clinics.
- Via Email to the address that we hold for you (it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure that the address that we hold for you is correct).
Terms and conditions are not posted to you unless this is specifically requested in writing or via Email to info@bevanwilson.co.uk.
Please ask us if there is something that you would like explained further. By commencing treatment you are deemed to have acknowledged and have agreed to be bound by our Terms and Conditions.
2. Standard Rates:
Our current ‘standard rates’ can be found on our website or alternatively are available by contacting our office. Please note that the rates and terms agreed with a third party or health insurer may differ from our ‘Standard Rates’ and terms.
3. Payment for goods and services:
Payment is due prior to, or on the day of treatment. We accept cash (exact amounts only), cheque and card payments (at Wonersh, Hurst Farm, Charterhouse & Guildford) in clinic.
However you choose to pay, payment remains your responsibility at all times and we cannot guarantee that you will receive an invoice reminder in the event of non-payment during the session.
Should you need to pay for goods or services outside of your appointment then you may do so by card payment over the telephone on 01483 424505 or by bank transfer (BACs) using your patient number as a reference.
BACS details:
Natwest Bank.
Bevan Wilson Ltd
Account No: 10013830
Sort Code: 60-17-21
Patients wishing to use health insurance cover:
Bevan Wilson Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics are registered providers with all major health insurance companies.
Subject to our terms and conditions, we may be able to invoice your insurer directly for treatment however ultimate liability and responsibility for full payment remains yours. We reserve the right to ask patients to settle their account directly in full at any time and claim reimbursement from their insurer.
Please note that insurance-covered session charges may vary from our ‘standard rates’ and as such we are unable to invoice insurance companies retrospectively on your behalf.
Should you wish to use health insurance cover towards the cost of your treatment, you are required to provide the following details to Bevan Wilson Ltd prior to commencing your course of treatment:
- Health insurance company name and contact details.
- Health insurance policy number.
- Insurance authorisation code and the number of authorised sessions for the current course of treatment and the number of authorised sessions.
- The amount of any excess and whether the insurer will claim this back via Bevan Wilson.
Failure to provide complete and accurate insurance authorisation details prior to the commencement of your course of treatment means that you will be required to pay for treatment at our ‘standard rates’ (See section 2 and 3) prior to or during every session in accordance with our terms and conditions. Once a course of treatment has commenced at our ‘standard rates’, we are unable to invoice insurance companies on your behalf and our standard rates will apply to all sessions within that treatment course.
Bevan Wilson are unable to obtain or confirm policy or authorisation details on your behalf. It is your responsibility to confirm your insurance cover and any potential shortfalls, excess or policy clauses that may affect cover.
Some insurers use care guidelines that may not match the professional medical opinion of our medical professionals. In some cases this may mean that your insurer will not pay for certain elements of your care and in such cases you agree to cover the cost of your care at our ‘standard rates’. Stock items, late cancellation and DNA charges are not covered by insurers and should be immediately paid for on the day or on receipt of an invoice.
Any funding disagreements remain between you and your insurer and you remain ultimately responsible for settling your Bevan Wilson account in full within seven days of being notified.
Once all authorised treatment sessions have been exhausted you will automatically be transferred onto our ‘standard rates’ unless prior notification is provided of additional treatment authorisation. Insurers may require an update report from you or your medical professional prior to authorising additional sessions. In all instances it is your responsibility to ensure that further treatment has been authorised and the details provided to Bevan Wilson in full prior to any further appointments. Any appointments undertaken by you without prior notification of authorisation will be charged at our ‘standard rates’.
You will be required to settle any out-standing amounts in the event of non-payment or part-payment by the insurer for any reason, including due to an excess; undertaking more sessions than authorised; or due to appointment DNAs or late-cancellations, regardless of the timescales involved.
This agreement is between you and Bevan Wilson Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics and you are ultimately responsible for all payments.
4. Late Payment, Outstanding Account Charges and Debt Recovery:
Accounts outstanding for more than seven days following a clinical session, purchase of goods or notification of an invoice being raised, will be liable to reasonable administration charges in line with the Summary of Administrative Charges below. Failure to immediately settle your account in full or to respond to subsequent invoice reminders will lead to additional administrative charges and your account being passed to a debt recovery service.
5. Non attendance and cancellation:
If you do not attend an appointment or cancel your appointment within the 24 hours prior to the appointment time the full charge for the appointment will be levied unless exceptional circumstance apply. This includes appointments that are re-scheduled at the Company’s discretion.
6.Refunds & Returns:
Please contact our office on 01483 424505 or info@bevanwilson.co.uk if you feel that a refund is due for any clinical services or goods provided to you. Any refunds due will be completed as soon as possible but at least within one week of a refund being identified.
Bevan Wilson Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinics supply goods both directly and via third parties on behalf of a patient. Any third party goods should be returned directly to the third party in question and are subject to the third parties returns and refund policy.
Any goods purchased directly from Bevan Wilson Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinics must be returned unused in their original condition unless there is a manufacturer defect. You must return the item within 30 days of your purchase using the following procedure:
- Please email info@bevanwilson.co.ukto request a refund and we will contact you to discuss you return.
- Goods should be returned to: Bevan Wilson Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinics, 113 Collingwood Crescent, Boxgrove, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 2PF
- Goods must be accompanied by a signed and dated letter stating the reason for your return and the original receipt.
Return Exceptions
Some items cannot be returned if they are opened. These include tape, orthotics and some supports. Merchandise that has been worn, used, or altered will not be accepted for return or exchange.
Restocking Fee
All items are subject to a 10% restocking fee, this will be deducted from your refund. We also do not refund the original shipping and handling charges.
7. Access to medical records:
Bevan Wilson Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics agree to provide access to your medical records on receipt of a signed and dated medical records access request. Bevan Wilson Ltd are registered with the ICO under the Data Protection Act.
8. Discharge reports:
As a matter of good practice, and in line with some insurance policies your medical professional may send a report to your general practitioner, consultant or insurance company. Please inform your physiotherapist if you do not wish them to do this.
9. Complaints Procedure:
If you have a complaint please contact the Practice Manager, Richard Renson by telephone (01483 424505) or in writing to our registered address Bevan Wilson Ltd, 113 Collingwood Crescent, Boxgrove, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 2PF.
10. Medical professionals / Physiotherapists (your attention is particularly drawn to this paragraph)
The Chartered Physiotherapists managing your Care are independent practitioners and are not employees of Bevan Wilson Ltd. Accordingly, Bevan Wilson Ltd will not be liable for any act or omission of a Physiotherapist or medical professional (or the company or partnership that employs or engages the professional). The medical professional / physiotherapist will be responsible for the Care that he/she gives you.
11. Acknowledgement of, and agreement to be bound by our Terms & Conditions (T&Cs):
By commencing treatment you are deemed to have acknowledged and have agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
If there is any conflict between these Terms and any marketing material, notices or information provided, the Contract will take precedence.
12. Notices and your contact details:
It is important that you keep us updated of any changes in your contact details. We cannot be held liable should you fail to update Bevan Wilson, its staff or contractors regarding any changes to your contact details including name, mailing address, telephone numbers or Email address.
13. Your property:
Healthcare clinics can be busy environments. Whilst we will take all reasonable care to ensure the safety of your belongings, Bevan Wilson Ltd does not accept any responsibility for the theft or loss of, or damage to, any of your or your visitors’ property.
14. Parents and patient attorneys:
Where a person as a parent, guardian or attorney arranges treatment on behalf of another under their care, they agree that they will be bound by these Terms, even if that person breaches, or is not bound by, any part of these Terms. In these circumstances, the references in these Terms to “you” and “your” shall include, as well as the patient, the parent, guardian or attorney.
15. Assignment:
Bevan Wilson Ltd may transfer and assign your contract to any person who acquires all or substantially all of the assets of Bevan Wilson.
16. Third Party Rights:
Except for you or Bevan Wilson Ltd, no person will have any rights under or in connection with these Terms.
17. Law and the Courts:
These Terms are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law and the courts of England and Wales shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction.
18. Summary of Administrative & Outstanding Account Charges
We reserve the right to charge for any additional administrative time other than that which would reasonably be required to fulfil your appointment booking and payment and to communicate with your GP or medical consultant.
Non attendance and cancellation: £Varies – The full appointment fee.
If you do not attend an appointment or cancel your appointment within the 24 hours prior to the appointment time the full charge for the appointment will be levied unless exceptional circumstances apply. This includes appointments that are re-scheduled at the discretion of the Managing Director.
Copies of clinical records: £50.00
We are able to supply electronic or hard copies of records to you or a third party subject to receipt of a signed, dated medical records access request. There will be an administration charge of £50.00 for this service. Alternatively access to your medical records can be provided for free, strictly by appointment only, at our Head Office. Bevan Wilson Ltd are registered under the Data Protection Act.
Clinical reports: £Varies – charged at an hourly rate.
We are able to provide clinical reports for you or a third party subject to receipt of the request in writing with your full signature. This service is charged at an hourly rate and varies depending on the length and complexity of the report.
Rejected payment: £10.00
This fee covers the costs involved in contacting you by telephone regarding each cheque, card payment, standing order or direct debit which is rejected, dishonoured, stopped or otherwise not paid by you. We reserve the right to add any additional charges made by the bank to your account.
Late payment fee: £10.00
This fee is charged on accounts outstanding for more than seven days following a clinical session, purchase of goods, or notification of an invoice being raised. The fee covers the costs involved in contacting you by telephone, Email or Royal Mail to collect payment. Accounts outstanding for more than seven days are liable to additional charges in relation to arrears letters and pursuing the debt:
Arrears Letter: £Varies (see schedule)
This administration charge covers the cost of producing and forwarding letters / emails in connection with late payments on your account. This charge will apply to each letter or Email sent in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
14days: Arrears / outstanding account letter / Email. £10.00
21days: Final arrears / outstanding account letter / Email. £15.00
Debt management fees: £50.00+varies
We reserve the right to transfer your account to a debt management agency at any time following the late payment of any fees. This administration charge covers the cost of transferring your account to the debt management agency however additional charges will also be added to your account to cover the debt management agency’s costs in contacting you and collecting payment or completing the relevant court applications and subsequent court proceedings.
Late Payment Interest:
Interest will be charged on any fees outstanding for more than 7days at a rate of 8% above the Bank of England Base Rate.
Opening Times
Our opening times vary from clinic to clinic, however we are able to offer early morning, evening and weekend appointments.
For further information on opening times for your local clinic, please contact our administrative team on 01483 424505 or info@bevanwilson.co.uk
Treatment Charges:
Initial Assessment & Treatment £78 (Up to 45mins)
Follow up Appointment £67 (Up to 30mins)
Follow-up Appointment £84 (Up to 45mins)
Follow-up Appointment £109 (Up to 60mins)
Sports Massage £76.00 (1 hour)
Follow-up Sports Massage £57.00 (30 mins)
For further information on opening times for your local clinic, please contact our administrative team on 01483 424505 or info@bevanwilson.co.uk
Summary of Administrative & Outstanding Account Charges
We reserve the right to charge for any additional administrative time other than that which would reasonably be required to fulfil your appointment booking and payment and to communicate with your GP or medical consultant.
Non attendance and cancellation: £Varies – The full appointment fee.
If you do not attend an appointment or cancel your appointment within the 24 hours prior to the appointment time the full charge for the appointment will be levied unless exceptional circumstances apply. This includes appointments that are re-scheduled at the discretion of the Managing Director.
Copies of clinical records: £50.00
We are able to supply electronic or hard copies of records to you or a third party subject to receipt of a signed, dated medical records access request. There will be an administration charge of £50.00 for this service. Alternatively access to your medical records can be provided for free, strictly by appointment only, at our Head Office. Bevan Wilson Ltd are registered under the Data Protection Act.
Clinical reports: £Varies – charged at an hourly rate.
We are able to provide clinical reports for you or a third party subject to receipt of the request in writing with your full signature. This service is charged at an hourly rate and varies depending on the length and complexity of the report.
Rejected payment: £10.00
This fee covers the costs involved in contacting you by telephone regarding each cheque, card payment, standing order or direct debit which is rejected, dishonoured, stopped or otherwise not paid by you. We reserve the right to add any additional charges made by the bank to your account.
Late payment fee: £10.00
This fee is charged on accounts outstanding for more than seven days following a clinical session, purchase of goods, or notification of an invoice being raised. The fee covers the costs involved in contacting you by telephone, Email or Royal Mail to collect payment. Accounts outstanding for more than seven days are liable to additional charges in relation to arrears letters and pursuing the debt:
Arrears Letter: £Varies (see schedule)
This administration charge covers the cost of producing and forwarding letters / emails in connection with late payments on your account. This charge will apply to each letter or Email sent in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.
14days: Arrears / outstanding account letter / Email. £10.00
21days: Final arrears / outstanding account letter / Email. £15.00
Debt management fees: £50.00+varies
We reserve the right to transfer your account to a debt management agency at any time following the late payment of any fees. This administration charge covers the cost of transferring your account to the debt management agency however additional charges will also be added to your account to cover the debt management agency’s costs in contacting you and collecting payment or completing the relevant court applications and subsequent court proceedings.
Late Payment Interest:
Interest will be charged on any fees outstanding for more than 7days at a rate of 8% above the Bank of England Base Rate.